Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Shopping Lists Just Got Smarter with GPS Notifications

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For the past couple of weeks my team has been working on a brand new iPhone application for a client. The premise behind the application is to remind you that you have a shopping list not based on time, but rather based on your location.

The app is ideal for the busy mom, student or professional who is out and about.

The application works like this:
  1. Create a shopping list.
    Your list can be for groceries, hardware supplies, electronics what ever.
  2. Assign items to a store
    As you add an item to the list you can assign it to a store. The app provides built-in integration Google Maps enabling you to search for stores by name based on your current location.
  3. Conduct business as usual
    Drive around town as you would normally through the day. The app doesn't even have to be initiated as it works in the background. When you are in the vicinity of a store that has assigned shopping items a visual and audio alert will inform you that you are in the vicinity of the store and ask you to open or ignore your list.
It's really that simple. The application is fully location aware based on the GeoFence parameters that you configure in the settings. Now when you are within 1 mile, 1/2 mile or even in the parking lot you can be notified that you have a shopping list.
We are now exploring other ways that we can incorporate this into this other applications. Imagine what could be done with:
  1. Location based marketing based on your shopping list
  2. Field Service notifications - accept or reject a new job based on where I am
  3. Notify customers of the pending arrival of a technician based on their location
  4. Initiate time tracking based on a technician's arrival or departure on a site.
  5. Show other customers in my current area
With location based services integrated into your shopping list you can now say like one of the first users, "You just made my smartphone a little smarter."

Jody Sedrick
Enterprise Mobility Strategist, Follow me on Twitter: @jodysedrick and @zenewareinc


  1. Great application Jody. Location based technology can be useful without being too spooky. How do we link this to the recipe sites!

  2. That's a great idea and something on the roadmap. The idea creators have a pretty interesting roadmap.
